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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Dr. Carolyn Wong Optometrist a proud provider of vision care products and services in Los Angeles.

Dr. Carolyn M. Wong, Lead Optometrist

Dr. Carolyn Wong is the lead optometrist and practice director at our office. She was born and raised in Arizona. She received her Bachelor of Science degree at University of Arizona and her Doctor of Optometry from Southern California College of Optometry. She has been in practice for over 32 years at this office. She is a Vision Source provider and has been continually attending conferences to keep this office updated on technological advancements in the field of optometry. She is a member of the American Optometric Association, California Optometric Association, Los Angeles County Optometric Society, and West L.A. Chamber of Commerce.

Grace Kim, O.D.

Dr. Grace Kim is an associate optometrist, originally from the Midwest and received her doctorate degree at Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago. She graduated with the highest honor, summa cum laude, and her accomplishments in school inducted her into the Tomb and Key Honor Society and Beta Sigma Kappa International Optometric Honor Society. After graduation, she moved to California where she completed her residency at the Sepulveda VA Ambulatory Care Clinic specializing in primary care and ocular disease, specifically the management of glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration. Dr. Kim is passionate about providing quality eye care and strives to deliver answers and solutions to patients with questions and concerns. When she’s not in the office, she enjoys finding good eats, exploring the hiking trails within LA, and traveling to find more good eats and hiking trails.

Caroline Quan, O.D.

Associate Optometrist for the office of Dr. Carolyn Wong, OD & Associates. Caroline Quan, O.D. is a graduate of the Southern California College of Optometry at Marshall B. Ketchum University, where she was actively involved as the Local Optometric Society Liaison. She completed a residency at the Veteran Affairs West Los Angeles Healthcare Center, where she received specialized training in primary care/ocular disease with experience in low vision and therapeutic contact lenses. An eternal learner, she always strives to expand her knowledge to provide the best possible care to her patients and continues to be actively involved in her profession. She is also very passionate about art and constantly searches to incorporate this with her love for optometry in order to help people see and appreciate the world around them!

Karen R. , Optician

Karen is an optician that has been working in the field of optometry for 27 years. She is bilingual in Spanish and English. She successfully obtained her optician certificate, ABO in 1997. She is excellent with frame selections and choosing materials that best suit your visual needs. Those include progressive fits, anti-reflective coatings, computer glasses, and various other lens designs. Karen also has in depth knowledge of insurance plans and coverage.

Gaby G. , Optician

Gaby is an optician that has been with our office since 2020. She was born and raised in Los Angeles. Gaby is skilled in pre-testing patients, and trained to help suit all types of needs for patients. She also works in the optical with frame selections and frame adjustments. She is happy to help you with your eye care needs.

Candace M.

Candace is an office assistant and has a background in Education with a B.S. & M.S. from USC…go Trojans! She was a teacher for 15 years, as well as a patient of Dr. Wong’s, and soon found her current position at the front desk of the practice. She enjoys meeting patients and guiding them through the process of scheduling appointments, as well as taking advantage of their insurance benefits, to better care for their eye health and vision.

Louie N.

Louie is an office assistant that obtained his B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in management at Southern Connecticut State University. With over 10 years of customer service and leadership skills he has been able to improve several businesses in different fields such as: sports, automotive, fashion, entertainment, and medical. He thrives to continue on contributing his expertise in the fields he seeks interest.


Lily obtained her finance degree from Santa Monica College in 1991 and is continually motivated to learn new advancements in the eye care field. She is great with numbers and loves to select the perfect frame for our patients. Lily has an eye for aesthetics and enjoys helping you choose glasses. She pretests patients and manages the front desk as well. Lily has been with our office for over 3 years.